Narrative Tension, Serving the Story, and Pacing: Kid Cudi

 It is true that in every piece of writing, whether it be a novel, song, or essay it has a lot of different areas to it. One of these areas is conflict, the tension between one thing and another. In Man On The Moon: The End Of Day, Kid Cudi emphasizes a lot on obstacles he had to overcome in order to get to the place where he’s at right now. Some of these conflicts were easy to detect regarding the fact that this album is a dream-like project and these tensions are labeled as “nightmare”. For example, the song “Solo Dolo” has the word “nightmare” next to it in parentheses stating that this will take a slight turn in direction with the mood and story of the whole album in general. This song focuses primarily on his lonely feelings that he has within the world and how he escapes reality through his dreams. Another example of a song that has a kind of dark, nightmare twist to it is the song “Pursuit Of Happiness”. This song is a very popular song over the past couple of years. It describes the dull moments of fame and fortune and also describes the problems that have haunted Cudi following his father’s death.

Another main subject that happens in any piece of writing, whether it be a novel, song, or essay is the pacing and “serving the story” part. In a album, this usually happens with a songs chorus since it is full of repetition and tension. One good example of a song with this type of quality in the chorus is “Day ‘n’ Nite”. The chorus that is repeated in this song is “Cause day ‘n’ nite, the lonely stoner seems to free his mind at night”. This describes his change throughout each day and how smoking helps him with the pressure of society. He feels lonely and left out of society, so he just smokes it away and tries to put on a persona that he is not.

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  1. carlabramowitz says:

    Dear Omar,

    This is interesting and reflective writing. I like how you quote about narrative tension and “serving the story” in the opening of this piece. What works in the beginning of this blog is its emphasis on the songs and their content; you spend some, or little, time on the nightmarish quality of Solo Dolo and Pursuit of Happiness.

    What needs to be explored more in your writing is your place in the story. Reflexive Writing is when you make yourself vulnerable to the issues in the content. For example, when you speak of the nightmares or of the smoking which helps him cope with the tensions of the day, you might talk to the tensions in your biases around these issues. Nightmares and Smoking Weed are real things, so bring them to life in sensory details. You might speak personally or you might speak of other songs or other media where you see this. In any case, I want to see more dragon and more more delivery on the promise of yourself in your writing.


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